Vintage Persian Shiraz Tribal Rug 4'11"x10'0"

Vintage Persian Shiraz Tribal Rug 4'11"x10'0"

Sale Price:$1,200.00 Original Price:$1,950.00

Rug No. 172170

Vintage Southwest Persian Shiraz tribal rug in burnt orange and navy blue. The tree of life central motif really pops on the sunset background. This authentic 50 to 60 year old tribal rug is finely knotted with glossy hand spun wool and remains in beautiful condition.

Size: 4'11"x10'0"

Age: 1960

Origin: Fars, Southwest Persia

Materials: Hand knotted handspun wool pile on wool foundation. Natural dyes.

Condition: Excellent condition. Ready to enjoy and suitable for normal everyday use. Professionally hand washed.

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